Hermes Grays

Full information about Establishment Hermes Grays at Weston Avenue, Grays, England RM20 3AL. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


Weston Avenue, Grays, England RM20 3AL
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Hermes Grays

Reviews about Hermes Grays

  • Dan Walker
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    My rating is based on my one experience as as class1 driver delivering there. I was expecting an RDC. It's not. You have to reverse in.Rather than blind side, carry on to the roundabout. I found it a bit hard to find in the dark, but that's just me being a chump maybe?
    The workers were gems. They ALL seemed to be Romanian or similar (you know what I mean) and they were friendly and nice. I was glad to shunt a few trailers for them, though that cut into my drive hrs on a 750km round trip. Used the canteen. Made abit of small talk and tried to speak some Roumanian which Google helps with.
    Anyway - my review is for the workers there! Good luck to them all.
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